A Fascinating Relationship Between Autism and the Amygdala

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support current research Jun 02, 2023
A Fascinating Relationship Between Autism and the Amygdala

The amygdala, a small but significant structure of the human brain, has long been associated with autism. Recognized for its pivotal role in processing social and emotional information, as well as regulating the stress response, the amygdala offers valuable insights into the complexities of autism.

In the June 2023 issue of Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine, there is a research review of a study published by esteemed autism researchers Dr. David Amaral and Dr. Christine Wu Nordahl. The review explores a fascinating relationship between autism and the amygdala. Their work showcases several key studies that enhance our understanding of how the amygdala evolves, develops, and functions in individuals with autism.

Most importantly the researchers find that there is altered amygdala growth in many autistic individuals. Researchers found that these differences start at a very young age and that the trajectory and growth differences could be different for each autistic individual. Some individuals might have rapid growth and a larger amygdala, while others might have slower growth and a smaller amygdala.

Together, let us embark on a journey of knowledge and discovery, forging a path toward a better understanding of autism. Grab your copy of the magazine and learn more about the amygdala and autism.

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