Unraveling the Link: Autism and Mitochondria Dysfunction
Jun 15, 2023
Our body's energy production is a fascinating process that involves an essential organelle called the mitochondria. These tiny powerhouses, found within each of our cells, play a vital role in generating the energy required for our bodies to function optimally, including the brain.
Studies have revealed that many autistic children experience issues with their mitochondria. This dysfunction can give rise to a host of challenges, including gastrointestinal problems, nutrient deficiencies, low muscle tone, chronic fatigue, and more.
So how do parents find out if their autistic child has mitochondria dysfunction? According to expert, Dr. Erica Peirson, diagnosing mitochondrial dysfunction includes doing a thorough history, review of symptoms and a physical exam. The most important test for diagnosing mitochondrial dysfunction in children with a diagnosis of autism or early warning signs of autism is a urinary organic acid test. 13 Organic acids are metabolites of multiple biochemical pathways in the body. Their levels will be higher in the urine in the presence of vitamins and other deficiencies.
Treatment for mitochondrial dysfunction is not a one-size-fits-all. Each child is unique and their treatment will be based on the child’s individual needs and lab results.
To delve deeper into the connection between autism and mitochondrial dysfunction, Dr. Peirson wrote an article for AUTISM ADVOCATE Parenting Magazine. She provides a detailed explanation of what mitochondria dysfunction entails and imparts invaluable insights for parents seeking a deeper understanding of this aspect of autism.
Understanding the link between autism and mitochondrial dysfunction is of utmost importance. By gaining knowledge in this area, parents and caregivers can better comprehend the unique challenges their children may face and seek appropriate interventions and support.
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