Central Auditory Processing Disorder and Autism

auditory autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support sensory Jun 26, 2023
Central Auditory Processing Disorder and Autism

Have you ever heard of Central Auditory Processing Disorder or CAPD? It's a condition that affects people's ability to understand speech when there's a large amount of background noise, even if their hearing is perfectly fine. Background noises can include someone tapping a pencil in the classroom, or a bird chirping outside. Imagine how challenging it must be for someone with CAPD to follow conversations in a noisy classroom or a crowded restaurant.

CAPD often coexists with other conditions such as ADHD, dyslexia, and autism. In fact, it's quite common for autistic children to experience CAPD.

Experts suggest that if you have a child with CAPD, there are some strategies you can use to help your child process speech and sound. First and foremost, you can eliminate background noise. You can also be at eye level with your child when talking to them, use simple sign language, or use remote microphone technology. Although these are some general suggestions, parents should follow advice from their child's doctor or audiologist, as every child's needs and presentation of CAPD are unique.

There's an article in Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine, written by three expert audiologists - Dr. Dawn Aerts, Dr. Angela Loucks Alexander and Dr. Vanessa Rentschler. Their article explains what CAPD is, how to test for it, what management tools are available, and even how parents can help their children at home.

Understanding CAPD and its impact on individuals can help us create more inclusive environments and support those who may be struggling with this condition.

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