The Revolutionary RNS Device Transforming the Lives of Autistic Children with Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
Aug 10, 2023
We're excited to share some fascinating research findings with you. A study from 2022 delves into the connection between autism and epilepsy. Did you know that current research suggests that between 30 and 50% of autistic children also have epilepsy? Unfortunately, up to 30% of children with epilepsy struggle to control their seizures with medication alone. This is known as drug-resistant epilepsy.
Drug-resistant epilepsy can be very frustrating and frightening for both patients and caregivers. It can seriously impact an affected person’s quality of life. For this reason, Dr. Madeline Fields and her colleagues wanted to find a solution for autistic patients living with drug-resistant epilepsy. They conducted a research study using a device known as the Responsive Neurostimulator System (RNS). The device uses a neurostimulator that is placed under the scalp and within the skull. It monitors brain activity and detects abnormal electrographic activity. It is similar to a pacemaker in that it can deliver small amounts of electrical current, when needed, to stop or lessen seizure activity.
The results were so interesting and hopeful for autistic children with drug-resistant epilepsy! After using the RNS device, 60 percent of patients experienced a reduction in seizures of more than 50 percent. About 79 percent of participants experienced improvements in their behavior, including increased verbal output at school, a greater ability to walk and exercise, increased calmness, a greater capacity to be interactive, increased attendance at outdoor activities, greater use of speech, heightened consciousness and overall improvements in positive behavior.
Amazingly, one participant showed a decrease from having over 40 seizures a day to only EIGHT seizures per month! This is truly life-changing!
Curious to learn more about the RNS device and its impact on the lives of autistic children? Well, you're in luck! Access our article directory to read the summary and results of the research.
Knowledge is power and staying up to date with the latest research is how we can make a real difference in the lives of our incredible kids. So, get ready to dive into the fascinating world of the RNS device. Happy reading, and let's keep championing progress together!
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