Nurturing Executive Functions for Autistic Children - Improving Focus and Attention
Jul 11, 2023
Executive functions are a set of skills that help us stay organized, make decisions, and accomplish tasks effectively. In a nutshell, they're essential for various aspects of life, from home to school to the workplace.
Many autistic individuals face challenges when it comes to executive functions. One specific area that is challenging for many autistic children is attention and focus. While some autistic children may naturally have strong focus and attention skills, others may struggle with distractibility, impulsivity and sustaining attention.
Experts suggest some ways to help our children work on these skills, such as providing a structured environment, providing sensory input such as chewing gum or playing with a fidget toy, or using timers and visual schedules. However, every child is a little bit different in their strengths and challenges, and it is best to reach out to a professional, such as an occupational therapist, who can help guide you and your child on the path to improving attention and focus.
Another fun way to help your child improve their attention and focus is to play fun games and activities, such as color-by-number worksheets and find-the-object worksheets.
Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine knows how important it is to help our children in this regard. We created a printable that has color-by-number worksheets, find-the-object worksheets and also a monster memory game that you and your child can play together. Get ready to embrace the world of executive functions in a fun and creative way!
Unlock a world of possibilities for your child's executive function development. It's time to make learning enjoyable and engaging!
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