Unlocking the Power of Diagnosis: Understanding Autism at Any Age

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support diagnosis and early intervention new to autism Jul 06, 2023
Unlocking the Power of Diagnosis: Understanding Autism at Any Age

According to expert Dr. Salya Namazi, identifying autism in a child, adolescent, young adult, or even an adult is crucial, regardless of age. Understanding a child's neurology and the reasons behind their unique behaviors becomes clearer with a proper diagnosis. Not only does it help us as parents and caregivers comprehend our child's world better, but it also plays a significant role in the education system.

Some of the early signs of autism include (but are not limited to):
- having sensory differences
- not using gestures
- not responding to their name
- language delays
- repetitive behaviors

However, these behaviors and early signs are not seen or noticed in all children. Doctors and experts agree that although early identification can make a significant difference, identification at any age is important and parents should not feel guilty for not seeing the signs. After all, if teachers, doctors and other professionals did not suggest their child should be evaluated, how could a parent know?

Dr. Namazi wrote an article for Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine, diving into the early signs of autism in young children, as well as the signs that might manifest in teens and young adults. She also outlines who to contact for an evaluation and what the evaluation process might look like. Dr. Namazi also shares practical tips and suggestions on what we can do during waiting periods, ensuring we're not left in the dark or feeling helpless.

Trust us when we say this article is a goldmine of valuable information. It's a must-read for every parent or caregiver who wants to gain a deeper understanding of their child's unique journey. Remember, knowledge is power, and together, we can support our children in the best way possible.

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