Neuroimaging for Autistic Individuals

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support current autism research current research Jul 16, 2023
Neuroimaging for Autistic Individuals

The autistic brain has been intriguing scientists for many decades. There are hundreds of studies out there that use Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to investigate brain structure. It's like peering into the intricate workings of our minds. However, MRI machines come with a few challenges. To get accurate results, the patient needs to remain completely still for quite a long time. It's also a very small, enclosed space that can be quite loud at various times during the procedure.

Unfortunately, these factors often exclude many autistic individuals from participating in research studies, which raises an important question: are we truly getting a comprehensive understanding of the autistic brain if a significant portion, around 40% or more, of the autistic population is left out?

Thankfully, researcher Dr. Emily Kushner has come up with an innovative solution. She's designed a protocol that uses a neuroimaging technique called magnetoencephalography (MEG) to study the autistic brain. This imaging method has some fantastic advantages.

Unlike MRI, MEG imaging doesn't generate any noise during measurements. Plus, patients have the flexibility to sit up or lie down during the scan.

Dr. Emily Kushner and her team tested out the MEG Plan to see the effectiveness of the plan on autistic patients. The team found that the average scan time was 45 minutes. They also found that 74 percent of participants were able to have a successful MEG scan and reliable measurements were obtained even in those participants who moved a lot or made noise during the scan.

If you want to learn more about MEG imaging and its potential for autism research, you're in luck. Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine features a research article that delves into this very topic. It explains in further detail Dr. Kushner's research and the MEG Plan.

Discover how MEG imaging can revolutionize our understanding of autism and contribute to more inclusive research. It's an exciting step towards ensuring that all voices are represented in the scientific exploration of the autistic brain!

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