Recognizing and Understanding Gender-Specific Traits in Autism

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support females and autism Aug 26, 2023
Recognizing and Understanding Gender-Specific Traits in Autism

If you have a wonderful autistic girl in your life, you might have noticed that she can be quite different from autistic boys.

While both genders can display challenges with social communication, repetitive behaviors, and intense interests, there are notable distinctions. Autistic girls tend to develop better camouflage skills, imitating social behaviors to a greater extent, which can make their symptoms less apparent and lead to underdiagnosis. They may also show a stronger desire for social interaction but struggle to establish meaningful connections. In contrast, autistic boys might display more pronounced difficulties in social communication and be more inclined towards solitary or parallel play.

Research shows that autistic girls often have special interests that may not be as obvious to spot. For example, their special interest may be a certain animal, skincare and makeup, or a specific music artist - interests that are typical for pre-teens and teens. Research also shows that autistic girls tend to have fewer noticeable repetitive behaviors. They may still have them, but they are more likely to be twirling hair, biting nails, or something that can be hidden or appear typical.

Of course, these ideas are generalized, and each autistic girl is unique, but recognizing these gender-specific characteristics is essential for accurate identification and ensuring that appropriate support is provided to your autistic child.

Dr. Marcia Eckerd is an expert on this topic. She is a licensed psychologist, as well as a therapist, diagnostician, consultant, writer, and speaker advocating for a better understanding of neurodiversity. She’s spoken extensively on autism at national conferences for educators, clinical professionals and parents. As a diagnostician, she’s sought out by women from all over the U.S. Dr. Eckerd wrote an article for Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine outlining what distinguishes autistic girls from autistic boys, mentioning the social differences, the repetitive behaviors and the focused interests.

Here are some typical autistic traits for autistic females, as outlined by Dr. Eckerd:
- Your daughter has social issues - she has difficulty making and maintaining friendships and is often left out
- She isn't flexible about her routine or expectations
- She has sensory sensitivities
- She is very literal
- She often views things from a black-and-white perspective

Dr. Eckerd's article is truly a gem! The article is chock-full of valuable information. Early recognition is key to early support, making a world of difference in their development and well-being.

Raising an autistic girl is a unique and beautiful journey, and having access to expert insights can make all the difference. Whether you're already navigating this path or suspect that your daughter might be autistic, this article will be your guiding light.

Access Dr. Eckerd's article in our article directory by clicking here.

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