Breaking the Silence: Understanding Suicide in the Autism Community

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support depression and suicide Jun 15, 2023
Breaking the Silence: Understanding Suicide in the Autism Community

Discussing suicide may be uncomfortable, but it is crucial for parents to be aware of the signs, risks, and where to seek help.

The overall risk of suicide is about three times higher in autistic individuals compared to the general population. Additionally, the risk is higher for autistic females than males. As a parent, it's natural to feel uncertain about what to do if you suspect your child may be having suicidal thoughts.

Experts, Dr. Darren Hedley and Dr. Eric Butter say that first, parents and caregivers need to know the signs of suicide ideation. Some of the most common ones include expressing suicidal feelings (ie. saying they want to die, or expressing strong feelings of guilt and shame), indirectly expressing suicidal ideation (ie. talking about feeling empty, trapped, or extremely sad), or behaving in depressive ways (ie. researching how to die, being obsessed with death themes, or writing a will).

This team of doctors also recommends that every parent should reduce the risk of suicidality. They suggest things like building strong relationships and making sure your child has appropriate resources for when suicidal ideation occurs.

Dr. Hedley and Dr. Butter wrote an article for Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine on this topic! They address parents' concerns about suicide in the autism community. This must-read article equips parents and caregivers with the essential information they need to navigate this difficult subject.

By understanding the signs, seeking appropriate help, and implementing proactive strategies, parents can play a crucial role in supporting their autistic children's mental health and well-being. Remember, it's essential to prioritize the mental health of our autistic children. By staying informed and seeking guidance, we can create a safer and more supportive environment for our loved ones. Let's come together as a community and work towards reducing the risk of suicide among autistic individuals.

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