Making the Holidays Successful for your Autistic Child

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support family and relationships routine sensory supporting siblings Jul 19, 2023
Making the Holidays Successful for your Autistic Child

We all want the holidays to be a time of celebration and joy! You might have holiday traditions, social gatherings and exciting surprises planned. But if you're a parent of an autistic child, you know that the holiday season can bring its fair share of stress. You and your child might be anxious because the routines will be altered, and social gatherings can be overstimulating and exhausting for your autistic child. It is also stressful to find a balance between trying to provide your other children the holiday they deserve and respecting your autistic child's needs and limits.

What is the best way to manage the holidays with an autistic child? Many expert professionals and experienced parents have weighed in on this question. Here are just a few suggestions:

- Plan ahead for outings and social gatherings. Know what foods will be served. Ask about a quiet room your child can use if they become overstimulated, and have an exit plan in case your child becomes overwhelmed and you need to leave. 
- Find some quiet time after the gathering or event (i.e. opening presents on Christmas morning). These events are very stimulating for your child and they will probably need time to re-energize. Be cautious about rushing from one event to the next without any breaks in between.
- Be aware of the siblings. It's important for siblings to get the holiday experiences they want, and you envision for your family. Tag team with a spouse or family member so one person can stay longer at the gathering with the siblings, and the other can go home if your autistic child has reached their limit. Plan time for fun holiday traditions, such as decorating the Christmas tree, and let your autistic child choose if they want to participate or not.

Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh, is a world-renowned psychologist, author, and presenter with over 40 years of experience in the field of autism. She wrote an article in Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine giving advice to parents and families on this very topic. It's never too early to start planning for the holidays!

Let's turn the holidays into a time of love, laughter, and unforgettable memories. With the right guidance and support, we can ensure that this season brings happiness and warmth to our autistic children and the whole family.

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