Advocating for Your Autistic Child: Empowering Tips! autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support hope inspiration and advocacy mindfulness and yoga self-care Aug 03, 2023

We all know that advocating for our autistic kids is a vital part of our role as parents and caregivers! Whether it's navigating IEP meetings, social events, or even family gatherings, there are moments when we need to find our inner strength and speak up for our child's needs.

With back-to-school ...

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Finding Balance: The Importance of Self-Care for Parents of Autistic Children autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support printable resources self-care Jul 07, 2023

Let's dive into a topic that often gets neglected in the whirlwind of caring for our amazing autistic children: self-care.

We know as much as you do, that it canĀ feel like an impossible feat to carve out time for yourself when every moment is dedicated to meeting the needs of your little one. Some ...

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Finding Inner Balance: The Power of Yoga autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support mindfulness and yoga self-care Jun 02, 2023

Parenting is an incredibly rewarding journey, but it can also be overwhelming and demanding. The responsibilities and challenges can sometimes leave parents feeling stressed and depleted. It's crucial for parents to prioritize self-care and carve out time for themselves, as it can lead to a calmer d...

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